BAD You stopped at the Falls of Aldermant and got distracted by the sunset. Skip a turn. Your horses were stolen while on the road to Aydindril. Go back 2 spaces. You get lost in the Boundary. Go back 3 spaces. Your true love is confessed. Skip a turn. You must choose duty over love. Go back 2 spaces. You get cockblocked. Skip a turn. You are captured by a Mord'Sith. Go back 3 spaces. You get distracted by Kahlan's cleavage. Skip a turn. You get attacked by a gar and are forced to flee. Go back 3 spaces. You failed Lord Rahl. Move back 3 spaces. You are marked by the Keeper. Go back 2 spaces. Nicci steals your Han. Skip a turn. You get split in two and have a major identity crisis. Skip a turn. You find out your enemy is your brother. Move back two spaces. You are killed and choose to come back as a Baneling. Skip a turn. The Creator is unconvinced that you are on the side of good. Skip a turn while she interrogates you and your intentions. GOOD You have been given assistance by the rebel cause. Move forward 3 spaces. You found a persimmon cache to distract Zedd from cockblocking and got jiggy with it. Move forward 3 spaces. You walked through an orchard of apple trees, found a spirit house in the middle and got jiggy with it. Move forward 2 spaces. You swap bodies with someone else. Switch places with a player of your choice Richard takes off his shirt. Get an extra throw. Darken and Cara want to take a bath with you. Go forward 2 spaces. Zed found a free lunch. Get an extra throw. You were invited to attend Richard and Kahlan's wedding. Move forward 3 spaces. You pleased Lord Rahl. Move forward 2 spaces. You are the new Seeker. Move forward 3 spaces. You master the power of Orden. Get an extra throw. Richard saves your village. Move forward 2 spaces. You come back from the Underworld. Move forward 3 spaces. You discover your Han is extremely powerful. More forward 3 spaces. Richard builds you a bridge. Move forward 2 spaces. You find out that your mentor is your grandfather. Move forward 2 spaces.